Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Suppose It's All a Matter of Perspective

I don't feel like writing a lot tonight, but I really must pass on what may be the best quote of the day of all time. It comes from a seven-year-old second-grade boy at the tutoring company I work for.

(For the record, he didn't say it to me; he said it to the 60-year-old woman who teaches at the table across from me, and I just happened to hear and and write it down as I suppressed tears of hysterical laughter. In retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't have laughed so hard, because I'm sure as far as that boy is concerned I'd be standing with one foot in the grave too.)

The quote, spoken with the level of astonishment one might expect upon discovering their dog is capable of speaking English:

"You were alive when the first Harry Potter book came out?! You are OLD!"

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