Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Of Course

Today, I went to the post office to mail my application for Indiana teacher licensure. All was well and I got the required money order, paid for all of my mailing, and stepped backto finish filling out the money order and hand my envelope back to the worker like she asked me to. That took...ohhhh...20 seconds.

I turned around prepared to wait in line for a moment behind the woman who arrived after me and had now stepped up to the teller. Hell if this isn't what I heard come out of the woman's mouth as I stood there just needing to give my envelope back to the worker: "I need 75 books of stamps." Seventy-five mother truckin books of stamps!

So I stood there...like a goon...waiting...while the postal worker painstakingly counted out 75 books of stamps for this lady. In case you're wondering, counting 75 books of stamps takes a while. Shocking, I know. Also, in case you're wondering, 75 books of stamps comes out to $615, which the woman paid in cash....six hundreds and three fives. I know this because I unsuccessfully attempted to set that money and the woman's hands on fire with my eyes. *sigh*

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